Its good the shibukombe of the old days (HH7) is in agreement with the shibukombe of the modern days.
Actually there is no point of checking your spouse’s phone because cheaters can do that even at lunch hour while at work.
I have always said, peace is avoiding checking your spouse phone. Actually there is no one who doesn’t have private issues in the phone.
Sometimes spouses hide their phones from their loved ones not because there are messages from side lovers but because they know their wife or husband has a small heart to comprehend or compromise on what they would read.
Yes, certain business and deals are not supposed to be known by your wife or husband otherwise you risk her confessing once she gets sick lol.
Others hate to be given a task of begining to explain why Jane said Hai or why John called her twice in a day etc.
Checking your spouse’s phone will make you die of BP or depression and he will remarry a week after you are gone. in fact he or she will just remarry your young sister, cousin or best friend.
stop and stop