Reflecting on the life of Mr. Khalid Normani Haji

By Samuel Machishi
I couldn’t attend the funeral but I had a privilege to wok for him at Trade Kings in the Paste(Boom)plant from 2005 to 2007. Before a team of us about 11 were taken to the main plant we were working, constructing some of their houses in emmasdale, our main pay master was Dr Alif who at the same time was the Operations Director for trade Kings.
Once in a while Khalid could come to check on the progress that was being made on the site. The first time I met him I was scared because I had head a lot about the big Boss, to my surprise he drove in while i was watering the garden everyone on site who knew him scampered to get a shovel and a pike to show the Boss that they were working when infact they were on the chill. I didn’t know him so I continued watering the garden. When I noticed my friends getting busier than before I inquired from one of them who whispered ( ndiye mwine wa trade kings)
I was moved and became more involved in my watering of the garden. Shockingly he packed the car and walked in my direction and straight to where I was.I was fresh from school, I was afraid I didn’t know how to react to such a big figure. To my surprise he came to me and said “ Bwanji Munyamata”, ( How are you young man) he made me feel comfortable and he was happy with the outlook of the garden which comprised fruits trees among them mangoes, oranges and lemons. He went on to greet the rest of the workforce on the site.
He looked very simple and did not portray himself as a rich man.
Thank you for giving me my first opportunity as an employee, you have left an indelible mark.

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