ECL’s children cry, stop trying us in the media

Current Affairs

FORMER President Edgar Lungu’s children have today addressed the media, citing unjustified persecution.

Tasila Lungu Mwansa, Chawama Member of Parliament, made a joint statement on behalf of her siblings in which she stated that her family is being persecuted by the state through the media based on unfounded statements.

Her siblings, Agness, Chiyeso, Willie, and Geoffrey Banda, were present at the briefing to make a written statement but requested the media not to ask any further questions.

“Our lives have revolved around family and constantly being invited to the Law Enforcement Agencies. We have endeavored to lead a quiet life after our father left office in August 2021.We must hasten to say that we are not objectionable to the Law Enforcement Agencies making inquiries into any matter and we have constantly and consistently complied with the Law Enforcement Agencies. Despite our compliance, it seems to us that it has become fashionable to demonize the Lungu family based on unfounded allegations,” she said.

Ms Lungu claim that the state has not made it any easier for the family, as it seem to play to the gallery in their matters.

She further expressed concern that the family has been learning of lawsuits in the media.

“Ordinarily, we would expect to be the first to know as relates to matters involving any member of our family. However, we have learnt of the recent lawsuits through news items published in tabloids and various social media platforms. We proceeded to engage our lawyers to obtain the necessary documents from the state, which attempt was met with difficulties,” she said.

Ms Lungu said the family has obtained the necessary documents and will proceed to respond appropriately in court.

She said the dramatisation of circumstances by the state in the daily tabloids has only worked to demonise their father who worked diligently to serve this country and willingly handed over power to the incumbent.

“Our father’s resolve is that we allow the law to take its course, and we agree with that position.Whereas some may call our father different names, he remains a caring father to us and a loving husband to our mother. We wish to thank all that have reached out and empathized with us. Your encouragement has kept us going,” she said.

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