
Thinking about how overwhelmingly important it is to find the right life partner is like thinking about how huge the universe really is or how terrifying death really is—it’s too intense to internalize the reality of it. But unlike death and the universe’s size, finding a life partner is fully in your control, so it’s critical to make yourself entirely clear on how big a deal the decision really is and to thoroughly analyse the most important factors in making it. The scripture is very clear on the importance of finding a true love. He that finds a woman finds a good thing and receives favour from God. Proverbs 18:22. If I was the one writing the bible I would have said; “he that picks a woman picks a good thing. In this context, pick should have meant getting from things already available. The key word in the Holy Scripture is “find” which
mean not readily available and in fact to find there is a probability that you cannot find it. In other words, the role of people entering marriage is to “Find the right partner”. This is not an easy task and it requires your efforts and dedication.

                           ‘’Finding a love partner is a huge project that requires
planning, consideration and prayer because your good
health, your investment, your long life can begin or
end with your partner.’’


Excerpt from the book: Life beyond imaginations

Author: Winfred Mupakasi Silumbwe

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