It’s not about what you say that matters but who says it

The advice you can give now while struggling with life, will not be taken seriously. 5years later, speak the same words in your capacity as CEO, MP or Minister, it will be news all-over.
People respect the brand or profile than the actual importance of it. It’s not about what you sale but who sales it. Its not about what you say but who says it and in what capacity.
When I wrote my first book in 2019, a lot of people including my peers never took time to read it. Others were contemplating why read it when I was living a life far less than theirs. Others had no reason to read the book for a diploma holder when them have a master’s degree.
Three years down the line, I become academically sound, professionally vibrant and career wise elavated. Now something surprised me, the book I wrote when i only had a diploma and while serving as a middle manager, started selling when I attained higher qualifications and serving in directorate position.
Most interestingly, each time I’m invited for a motivational talk or business fora, people listen very carefully not knowing that the information I’m sharing are those Ideas I developed when I was just a common guy. Ideally, the audience would be hearing from a PHD student meanwhile the PHD student is telling them the knowledge he attained at diploma level.
They would be very interested in learning or listening from the director of Finance meanwhile, he is speaking the knowledge he gained while serving as assistant accountant.
This time, my books don’t take a week before they finish.
As you try to work hard academically or professionally, strive also to build a good profile and CV.
It’s not about what you say but in what capacity you say those words.
Your CV is money and your profile is life.

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