Lusaka Police detain British man who enjoys smell of rotting dogs

Current Affairs
POLICE in Lusaka have arrested a British man of Nigerian decent who derives pleasure from murdering dogs to enjoy the stench of their decaying carcasses.
The 50 year old’s cruel and bizarre interests were laid bare after a combined team of officers from Zambia Police, Drug Enforcement Commission, Department of Immigration, Provincial Veterinary Department and Public Health Department of the Lusaka City Council raided his home in Lusaka’s Meanwood Ibex area following complaints from neighbours.
According to a statement issued to Kalemba by Zambia Police Service deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale, upon the raid yesterday afternoon, officers found 14 live dogs awaiting execution at the hands of Jibodu Babatunde Olukayode.
Mwale revealed that Olukayode’s premises are installed with several surveillance cameras.
“When the law enforcement officers arrived conducted the search at the house on January 17 yesterday between 14:00 to 20:00 hours they discovered three cages in one of the rooms of which one contained four pieces of dog carcass in a rotten state with several flies,” Mwale stated.
The team also discovered boxes containing woovers, television sets and other assorted household properties in the ceiling board of the house.
For his bizarre actions, Olukayode has earned himself Police detention and charged with cruelty to animals and other public health related offences.
Picture for illustration

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