Police ‘Zooms’ in on Zumani

Current Affairs

FORMER President Edgar Lungu’s political advisor Chris Zumani Zimba has been detained at woodlands police on allegations of terrorism.

Mr Zumani has not been charged yet, but information from Patriotic Front (PF) officials is that it is based on articles of terrorism contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

PF member Emmanuel Mwamba in an interview with Journalists at woodlands police station said Mr Zumani had been picked today around 12:00 hours from his residence in Chongwe.

Mr Mwamba said the offence for which he may be charged was a capital offence, which meant he faced life imprisonment, but clarified to state that he had not been charged yet.

“The charge is very serious and I am not sure if it is bailabe or bondable. Our publicity secretary Raphael Nakachinda disclosed last week that there are schemes to attempt to hold three or five senior members of PF and Zumani and Stephen Kampyongo were named in that scheme . We don’t know if it is gassing charges or whatever it is,” he said

Mr Mwamba noted that Mr Zumani has not yet been interrogated, questioned nor charged.

“He is just detained. But information we have is that he may be charged for terrorism with others and it is a serious offence . And that is what Nakachinda said that their are concerted schemes against PF. Zimani has been very active and reviewed president Hichilema’s governance and punched holes in the governance of the leadership.He has been vocal couple few months. So it is not surprising that Zumani he has been picked,” he said.

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