Zambia National Parks and Wildlife Authority Village Scout dies after accidentally shooting himself

Current Affairs

A ZAMBIA National Parks and Wildlife Authority  Village Scout Edward Sambwa of Chin’gombe area, Luano District in Central Province has died after shooting himself with a shotgun.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said the incident occurred on June 4, 2023 around 18:00 hours in Tumbwe area of Luano District.

Mr Hamoonga said the accident happened after Mr Sambwa tripped hitting his feet on a tree and accidentally shot himself in the chest.

“He sustained gunshot wounds on his lower chest cavity and some small gunshot wounds on the right side of the ribs,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said police visited the scene where they found that the body had already been taken to his relative’s place in Tumbwe area and on physical inspection, the deceased was found with a gunshot wound on the lower chest cavity and  on the ribs of his right side of the chest.

“Brief facts of the matter are that Nicholas Kasamwa aged 49 of Chin’gombe area, the deceased and Collins Mumba all Zambia National Parks and Wild Life Authority scouts were doing routine patrols in the upper Luano Game Management area after they had heard gunshots in the bush and they were on their way  back to the camp.

At around 18:00 hours, the deceased  tripped on the tree, and then the butt for his shotgun broke, and he accidentally shot himself in the chest,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said a cartilage was found in the barrel with a broken butt at the scene of the accident.

He said the body of the deceased has since been buried and grave marked.

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